
BRCarbon innovates in the application of LiDAR and drones in forest inventories for forest carbon projects.

Aiming to promote scale gains in projects in the voluntary carbon market, BRCarbon acquired a new technology capable of mapping and measuring a forest in three dimensions (XYZ) using a drone. The active sensor LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) coupled to the drone is what

BRCarbon innovates in the application of LiDAR and drones in forest inventories for forest carbon projects. Read More »

IPCC launches its climate report and there is only one solution: to zero net CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just released its 6th report on the climate panorama of the planet and is categorical: “It is unequivocal that human influence warms the atmosphere, the ocean and the earth”; “warming caused by human activities accounts

IPCC launches its climate report and there is only one solution: to zero net CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere Read More »

Amazon savannization may cause desertification in other areas

The desertification process, as the name implies, is the transformation of natural ecosystems into desert-like environments. This phenomenon is mostly caused by human actions and consists of environmental degradation, resulting from deforestation, soil degradation and increased frequency and intensity of drought events, mainly as a

Amazon savannization may cause desertification in other areas Read More »

BRCarbon develops a reforestation project in Serra da Mantiqueira

BRCarbon joined several entities in the public sphere, third sector, educational institutions and private initiative in the expansion of the Mantiqueira Conservative Program (Programa Conservador da Mantiqueira), through the Grouped Reforestation Project of Mantiqueira (MRGP). The MRGP is a carbon project that is being built

BRCarbon develops a reforestation project in Serra da Mantiqueira Read More »

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