Grouped Project

Brazilian Amazon

Ícone REDD+

REDD+ APD (Avoid Planned Deforestation)

The Brazilian Amazon Grouped Project is an initiative aimed at forest conservation in surplus Legal Reserve areas of private properties located in the nine states of Brazil’s Legal Amazon.

This is a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, in the category of avoided planned deforestation (APD), registered on the Verra platform under ID 2551.



3+ million

tCO2e avoided

*Vintages verified by Verra



thousand ha under conservation




14.5+ million

tCO2to be avoided

*Projection based only on the registered land areas to date. An increase is expected year after year.

Located in

Brazil's Legal Amazon



Ícone REDD+


Clear and Indisputable

A REDD+APD project basically consists of preventing the clearing of areas that are legally authorized for vegetation suppression. The landowners waive the right to use these areas for agriculture or livestock and commit to keeping them conserved for 40 years.

Ícone REDD+

Brazilian Amazon REDD+

High integrity

The Brazilian Amazon project has been evaluated by several rating agencies, including MSCI Carbon Markets, which awarded the project an “A” rating. This means: “Overall, the project appears to have very high integrity. This score reflects our view that the project demonstrates high additionality, quantification integrity, and permanence. No significant risks were identified in any criteria.” Additionally, MSCI recognizes the Brazilian Amazon project as one of the few REDD+ projects in the world with a high likelihood of meeting the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs). Developed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), the CCPs establish new standards for integrity and transparency, increasing market confidence and attracting greater investment.

Ícone REDD+


Secure and verifiable basis

Safeguarded from the complexity of the baseline of REDD AUD projects, as well as ongoing methodological changes, the Brazilian Amazon project provides a consistent and robust baseline, with solid and transparent additionality.

REDD+ APD projects are able to effectively highlight the real intent of deforestation and provide a secure and verifiable baseline, unaffected by the current REDD+ methodological updates underway at Verra.

Project Background

Highlights and timeline

April-May 2021: Socio-economic diagnosis and 1st biodiversity survey (PAI # 1 to 5)

July 2021: CLPI (PAI # 2 to 5)

July-August: Forest biomass inventory (PAI # 1 to 5)

August  2021: Signing of the conservation agreement with the landowner (PAI # 1 to 5)

August  2021: Water potability analysis (PAI # 2 to 5)

August-October 2021: Phase 1 of digital inclusion (5 towers and 70km of optical fiber)

September-October 2021: Socio-productive analysis (PAI # 2 to 5)

October 2021: Sustainable agriculture management field day (PAI #2 to 5)

October 2021: 2nd biodiversity survey (PAI #1 to 5)

October 2021: Pink October Campaign – lectures and services geared at women’s health (PAI # 4)

October 2021: Computerization and digital inclusion in 2 schools (PAI # 4)

October 2021: 1st distribution of photovoltaic and hydraulic systems (PAI # 2, 3 and 5)

October 2021: Social, cultural and environmental mapping (PAI # 2 and 5)

October 2021: Environmental education activities (PAI # 2 to 5)

October 2021: Delivery of water filters (PAI # 2 to 5)

March-April 2022: Planning meetings with communities (PAI # 2 to 5)

March 2022: Mapping of Brazil-nut trees begins (PAI # 4)

May 2022: Conservation agreement signed with the landowner (PAI # 6)

May-June 2022: Forest biomass inventory (PAI # 7 to 15)

May 2022: Signing of the conservation agreement with the landowner (PAI # 7 and 8)

May 2022: Verra validation and verification

June 2022: Socio-economic analysis (PAI # 7 to 15)

June 2022: Phase 2 of digital inclusion (4 towers)

June-July 2022: 1st biodiversity survey (PAI # 8 to 11, 14 and 15)

July-August 2022: Soil and leaf litter carbon inventory (PAI # 8 to 11, 14 and 15)

July-August 2022: Renovation of Yolanda School (SeringalPorongaba, Sena Madureira/AC)

August 2022: Field day on agricultural management and good practices (PAI # 7 to 15)

August 2022: 3rd biodiversity survey (PAI #2 to 5)

August 2022: Signing of the conservation agreement with the landowner (PAI # 15)

August-September 2022: use of LiDAR to measure carbon stock (PAI #2 to 5)

September 2022: Medical and dental care campaign (PAI #2 to 5)

September 2022: 3rd biodiversity survey (PAI # 1)

September 2022: Renovation of Manuel Rufino School (SeringalPorongaba, Sena Madureira/AC)

November 2022: Installation of an artesian well (Vila Brasil Community, Paragominas/PA)

November 2022: FSC certification for forest conservation and management (PAI # 2)

November 2022: Registration and issuance of the first credits

January 2023: Maintenance of internet towers

February 2023: Social engagement meetings (PAI # 1)

February and March 2023: Planning meetings with communities (PAI # 2 to 5)

April 2023: Verra verification

April 2023: audit process

April 2023: support and audiovisual recording of the celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Indigenous Land Barreirinha – Amanayé people)

May to August 2023: maintenance of transport infrastructure

June 2023: environmental education workshop

June 2023: start of construction of the school in the Irmã Dorothy Settlement 

August 2023: School construction begins (Irmã Dorothy Community, Paragominas/PA)

August and September 2023: Fire brigade training (PAI # 7 to 15)

September 2023: notorization of land donation

September to December 2023: distribution of energy and water kits

October 2023: workshops with women’s groups

November 2023: exchange between communities to develop associations and value chains




14.5+ million tCO2e to be avoided between 2021 and 2032

The amount of carbon prevented from being released into the atmosphere through the avoidance of legal deforestation in a forest area, equivalent to almost one year of emissions from the state of Paraíba (SEEG 2024)

*Projection based only on the registered land areas to date. An increase is expected year after year.


770+ beneficiary families

High impact: +70 families*
Medium impact:+250 families**
Low impact: +450 families**

*Benefits in the same area of ​​influence as the Uákiry AUD project

**Benefits in the same area of ​​influence as the Cauaxi AUD project

Power and water

Communications and digital inclusion

Land issues




Health Care




859 animal species monitored

346 are endemic
29 are threatened with extinction
(CR/EN/VU - IUCN Red List)

In addition to preserving the habitat, surveying and monitoring the fauna and flora in the project areas generates knowledge about the diversity and geographical distribution of species in areas that have never been surveyed before, as well as identifying endemic and endangered species.

Contribution to the SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals

Brazilian Amazon

Grouped Project

The Brazilian Amazon project is validated to the Verified Carbon Standard – (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity - CCB (Biodiversity Gold Level) standards, audited annually by an independent Verra-accredited institution.

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