
Grouped Project

REDD+ APD (Avoid Planned Deforestation)

The Amazonas Grouped Project is an initiative aimed at forest conservation in surplus Legal Reserve areas of private properties located in the state of Amazonas (Brazil).

This is a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, in the category of avoided planned deforestation (APD), registered on the Verra platform under ID 4850.




thousand tCO2e avoided



thousand ha under conservation




9.6+ million

tCO2e to be avoided

Located in the

Amazonas State


Under validation


Clear and Indisputable

A REDD+ APD project basically consists of preventing the clearing of areas that are legally authorized for vegetation suppression. The landowners waive the right to use these areas for agriculture or livestock and commit to keeping them conserved for 40 years.


Secure and verifiable basis

Safeguarded from the complexity of the baseline of REDD AUD projects, as well as ongoing methodological changes, the Brazilian Amazon project provides a consistent and robust baseline, with solid and transparent additionality.

REDD+ APD projects are able to effectively highlight the real intent of deforestation and provide a secure and verifiable baseline, unaffected by the current REDD+ methodological updates underway at Verra.

Project Background

Highlights and timeline

March to June: Forest Inventory

May: Internet Installation

July 10 to 17: Start of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) process

August 16: Signing of the PAI#1 conservation agreement. Project start milestone

September to October: Biodiversity Monitoring

November 6: Signing of the PAI#2 conservation agreement

January 6 to 14: Continuation of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) process

Amazonas REDD+ APD Grouped  Project Photo Gallery



9.6+ million tCO2e to be avoided between 2020 and 2032

Amount of carbon that is not released into the atmosphere by not legally clearing an area of forest, equivalent to 1 year of emissions by the state of Rio Grande do Norte (SEEG 2023).


354 animal species being monitored

145 endemic species
14 threatened species
(CR/EN/VU - IUCN Red List)

In addition to preserving the habitat, surveying and monitoring the fauna and flora in the project areas generates knowledge about the diversity and geographical distribution of species in areas that have never been surveyed before, as well as identifying endemic and endangered species.

Contribution to the SDGs


Guaranteed results

The Amazonas Project is registered to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB), audited annually by an independent Verra-accredited institution.

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