APA (Environmental protection Area) Grouped Reforestation Project
ARR (Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation)
The Grouped Reforestation Project in the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area is an initiative aimed at recovering degraded areas on private properties in the southern region of Bahia State. Conducted in partnership with the Earth Conservation Organization (OCT), this is an Afforestation, Reforestation and Rehabilitation (ARR) project, registered on the Verra platform under ID 1317.
thousand tCO2e removed
*Vintage verified by Verra
100+ ha
Projection Year 1 to 35
thousand* tCO2e removed
Projection Year 1 to 35
thousand* ha reforested
*Projection based on expansion plan
Located in
Bahia State
Reconnecting to nature
The Atlantic Rainforest originally covered more than 1.3 million km², stretching along a large part of the Brazilian coast. However, due to human occupation and activities in the region, today around 29% of its original cover remains. Nevertheless, it is still one of the world's richest regions in terms of biodiversity, home to more plant species than the entire North American continent, including several endemic and endangered species. Rehabilitating and conserving the Atlantic Forest is fundamental for preserving biodiversity and maintaining the ecosystem services that are essential for the 150 million Brazilians who live in this region. Reforesting springs, for example, helps to improve the quality and availability of water resources. Besides, the connectivity of the forest fragments in this region, which has been subjected to intense deforestation in recent decades, sustains the genetic flow of fauna and flora, thus enabling the propagation and establishment of species that are already very endangered and hardly known.
Before and After
900+ thousand tCO2e to be removed over 35 years of project expansion*
The amount of carbon removed from the atmosphere through the reforestation of degraded areas, equivalent to more than one year of emissions from the municipality of Florianópolis/SC (SEEG 2024).
*Projection subject to periodic review.
120 families assisted
Roughly 3000 people trained
424 people with access to water
21 septic tanks installed
291 species being monitored (3 groups)
12 endangered species (IUCN Red List)
118 springs rehabilitated
140 ha reforested
Grouped Project
The Pratigi project is validated to the Verified Carbon Standard – VCS and Climate, Community and Biodiversity - CCB (Biodiversity Gold Level) standards, audited annually by an independent Verra-accredited institution.
Become a brCarbon partner and profit from the standing forest.
The Pratigi project provides rural landowners with additional benefits, such as the environmental compliance of their land and the generation of new sources of income. Through technical assistance and by adopting new technologies used in the project, it has been possible to improve production processes and improve livelihoods. One of the strategies is the introduction of some Agroforestry System (SAF) modules, using native non-timber species of commercial interest in the region. Because it is widely known as the Cocoa Coast, this species has been included in reforestations within the properties, thus encouraging small farmers to generate income based on sustainable practices.
Check out what some landowners have been saying
“The partnership has been very good for me. Today the Pratigi Project is like the flagship of our company: protecting the environment. We depend on big companies to buy our products, and they're very connected. When they get here, they ask how we're preserving the springs, how the PPAs have been maintained... So, we're ahead of the game.”
Desenvolvimento de Projetos

Fase 01
Fase 01

Fase 02
Fase 02
Estudos de Viabilidade

Fase 03
Fase 03

Fase 04
Fase 04

Fase 05
Fase 05

Fase 06
Fase 06

Fase 07
Fase 07

Fase 08
Fase 08

Fase 09
Fase 09
Comercialização dos Créditos