
In the Media

Interview with Lemos Legal Podcast

Check out the participation of brCarbon’s director, Danilo R. A. de Almeida, on the Lemos Legal Podcast. This episode discusses the technical and legal aspects of the voluntary carbon market. These issues are fundamental for the development of solid and high-quality projects capable of generating carbon credits with the integrity that the voluntary market requires to achieve its full potential in mitigating climate change.

brCarbon Director Danilo Roberti de Almeida talks about the potential of SbNs to tackle climate change

In this episode of CarbonCast, brCarbon’s director Danilo Roberti de Almeida talks to journalist Mariza Louven about the potential of nature-based solutions to tackle and mitigating climate change, and how this can be a promising market for Brazil if there is regulation by the government, adherence of companies to strict and robust protocols, and enough qualified professionals to meet the increasing demand.

Amazonas selects five companies for carbon projects in mega area

The government of Amazonas announced at the beginning of May the winners of a bid that authorizes the development of carbon projects on 11.9 million hectares of public lands, the largest of its kind ever conducted by a public entity. brCarbon had proposals selected for the execution of carbon projects in two Conservation Units of the State of Amazonas: RDS Rio Madeira and RESEX Rio Gregório.

Course will cover regenerative economy and carbon market

brCarbon has partnered with the Pecege Institute to launch the Carbon University, an educational initiative focused on promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy. Through a series of specialized courses, Carbon University aims to qualify and empower professionals capable of driving the environmental assets market. The first course will be the MBA “Nature-Based Solutions: Carbon Market and Projects”.

The Nature-based Solutions revolution

In this article published by the Carbon Report portal, our Research & Development director, Danilo de Almeida, reflects on how Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are the way to tackle climate change and also promote improving soil health, increasing biodiversity and balancing the hydrological cycle, in addition to social development. Furthermore, he discusses what is necessary to leverage the sector and take advantage of Brazil’s full potential.

brCarbon generates credits of up to US$80 per ton of carbon removed from the atmosphere

The Carbon Report portal published an article about financial incentives to avoid deforestation and restore degraded areas, with the collaboration of brCarbon’s Commercial Director, forestry engineer David Escaquete, who highlights other benefits of conservation and reforestation, such as increasing and preserving biodiversity , increasing water availability and improving the soil, in addition to environmental regularization of the property.

How brCarbon uses drones to reforest and recover areas that generate carbon credits of up to US$80

In an interview for CarbonCast, a podcast produced by the Carbon Report portal, the Commercial Director of brCarbon, David Escaquete, discusses the carbon market in the conservation and restoration sector. He highlights how brCarbon’s disruptive advantages can assist Brazil in overcoming its environmental and climate challenges, while also bringing benefits to rural landowners and communities.

Interview with the Bem da Terra Program

Interviewed for the Terraviva channel’s Bem da Terra program, brCarbon’s CEO Bruno Matta presents restoration projects (ARR) and how they can make reforestation of degraded areas and environmental regularization of rural properties feasible and faster.

Less beef, more forest - and revenue

Rural entrepreneurs from Pará tell us in this Exame article how they are reconciling soybean plantations and cattle raising with the conservation of native vegetation areas in the Amazon. Best of all, they are earning income from carbon credits through projects in partnership with brCarbon.

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Innovative equipment predicts the amount of carbon stored in the forest

Once again, brCarbon was featured on the Canal Rural program, telling us about the technologies it uses in the field in favor of the environment and ecological conservation. Check out the full interview!

System combining drone and sensor prevents carbon emissions and deforestation

The Agência Brasil report discusses brCarbon’s use of a drone equipped with a Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor in its operations and how this has revolutionized forest measurement, bringing greater accuracy and transparency to the process, and much more agility.

The importance of REDD+ in reducing carbon emissions

In an article published in the online magazine Capital Reset, brCarbon CEO Bruno Matta presents the importance of REDD+ projects in reducing carbon emissions, and especially their role in tackling the climate crisis, with benefits also for biodiversity and communities in the project areas.

CEO da brCarbon, Bruno Matta, em entrevista ao vivo

O CEO da brCarbon, Bruno Matta, em entrevista ao vivo para o programa Bem da Terra, do canal Terraviva, apresenta a empresa e os impactos não apenas no enfrentamento às mudanças climáticas, mas também na biodiversidade e nas comunidades que vivem nas áreas onde os projetos de carbono REDD+ são desenvolvidos, além de apresentar vantagens para os proprietários rurais.

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Canal Agro+'s Sustainable Action program interviewed the CEO of brCarbon

Canal Agro+’s Sustainable Action program interviewed Bruno Matta, CEO of brCarbon, who spoke about carbon projects, the advantages for rural producers and the impacts on the climate, communities and biodiversity.

brCarbon project aims to reduce gas emissions from livestock farming

brCarbon, a company that develops technologies to combat climate change, is working on a pilot project with cattle farmers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cattle farming. The program will include the distribution of additives that reduce methane production in the animals’ rumen. This gas has an atmospheric warming power 80 times greater than that of carbon dioxide.

COP-27: carbon market to fight global warming

The expectation is that progress will be made on the basic principles of how the sector works, with definitions such as the structure and governance of the entity that will register credits at a global level.

Amazon Day: learn about the initiative to preserve 1.5 million hectares of forest

In three years, between 2022 and 2025, the goal is to go from 150,000 hectares of preserved Amazon rainforest today to 1.5 million hectares, or 10 times the current amount. This is the challenge launched on Monday, September 5, Amazon Day, by climate tech brCarbon, a company that operates in the carbon market and has plans to establish a presence in the nine states of the Legal Amazon.

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Company expands operations to preserve forests

Over the next three years, brCarbon (brC) intends to expand its operations in eight states in the Legal Amazon, conserving 1.5 million hectares and benefiting more than 500 traditional riverside families. The Brazilian climate tech company, which has been operating in the carbon market since 2021, is one of the protagonists in the process of expanding the sector in Brazil.

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A project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Agriculture is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil: 27% of the total. But with the technologies that have been developed, this scenario could change. To find out more, let’s talk to Bruno Matta, CEO of brCarbon.

The crypto dilemma of CO2 credits

The tokens arrived with the promise of making the voluntary carbon market more efficient. Are they doing their job? “It’s up to buyers to identify the best projects,” says Bruno Brazil. “At the table of adults, they don’t just want to know about carbon. They want to know about the quality of that carbon and also how the money is going to transform people’s lives.”

Brazil is experiencing a carbon market boom and the world is gaining from it

We’ve heard for a long time that standing forests don’t make money. This has changed dramatically with the generation of carbon credits for rural producers through the conservation of forest areas within their properties. Today, in addition to the environmental gain, keeping the surplus reserve required by law standing is transformed into a financial result for landowners.

Fighting Amazon Deforestation

In the July 20, 2022 episode of the Radio Trans Mundial program, Renan Kamimura, Technical Director of brCarbon, presents the current picture of the Amazon rainforest, the consequences of deforestation and the actions needed to tackle it. These include actions taken by the private sector, such as better land use and conservation of the standing forest through carbon projects.

The advance of deforestation in the Amazon is worrying

The future of the Amazon is worrying as the rate of deforestation increases. How can this reality be changed? The road is still long, but with the help of drones, brCarbon is seeking to reverse this situation and combat global warming, enabling rural landowners to receive credits for conserving the standing forest.

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Planeta Campo 28/06/2022 - Rural Channel

The use of drones associated with the Lidar device is mapping forests and helping to promote conservation actions. The technology began to be applied by brCarbon this year to increase the accuracy of measuring the carbon stock in forests and also to gain agility and scale in inventory work. Check it out from 31’08”.

Initiatives monitor the Amazon to mobilize forest conservation

Initiatives monitor the Amazon to mobilize forest conservation. It is because of these alarming figures that private initiatives are springing up to monitor and protect forests. brCarbon has invested in using a drone with a LIDAR sensor to map forests in 3D. “Seeing the forest in three dimensions, that’s the great innovation, measuring the height of trees and forests more precisely,” says Renan Kamimura.

brCarbon: climate tech usa drone para mapear floresta

Initiatives monitor the Amazon to mobilize forest conservation. It is because of these alarming figures that private initiatives are springing up to monitor and protect forests. brCarbon has invested in using a drone with a LIDAR sensor to map forests in 3D. “Seeing the forest in three dimensions, that’s the great innovation, measuring the height of trees and forests more precisely,” says Renan Kamimura.

Startups apostam em melhorar visão ambiental e sustentável do agro no país

Startups apostam em melhorar visão ambiental e sustentável do agro no país Uma das expoentes do boom do Vale do Silício nacional, a brCarbon se destaca pela conservação dos ecossistemas, transformando florestas em pé em fonte de renda para proprietários de terra e comunidades tradicionais.

Opiniões Magazine

Diego Serrano, Director and founder of brCarbon, provides data, information and opinions on additionality in planted forest areas (for exotic and native species), discussing the possibility of developing carbon projects in these cases. – Page 66

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FloresCast #29 - How carbon markets work

Bruno Matta and Diego Serrano discuss the steps Brazil must take to take advantage of its potential to convert emissions into monetary resources and lead the way in decarbonizing and reducing global warming.

Who are the candidates for Amazon unicorns?

BRCarbon was one of the six startups selected to make up the portfolio of AMAZ, an accelerator for impact businesses in the Amazon. Those chosen will receive R$200,000 and support on various fronts, such as mentoring and networking.

BRCarbon aims to gain scale and accuracy in carbon projects with the acquisition of a state-of-the-art drone

BRCarbon innovates in the application of LiDAR and drones in forest inventories for forest carbon projects in the voluntary market and becomes a pioneer.

Six startups are selected in the first cycle of the Sustainable Soy in the Cerrado program

BRCarbon and five other startups have been selected to take part in the first cycle of Sustainable Soy in the Cerrado, a program that aims to foster entrepreneurship and innovation in deforestation-free soy production.

2022 will be the year of impact businesses in the Amazon

2022 brings growing potential to support businesses that see value in the standing forest and sustainable development in the Amazon. In this context, the AMAZ accelerator has selected six startups with positive socio-environmental impact proposals for acceleration and investment, including BRCarbon.

Aceleradora AMAZ seleciona seis negócios de impacto

A AMAZ Aceleradora de Impacto concluiu sua seleção dos negócios que passam a integrar seu portfólio em 2022. As seis startups selecionadas, dentre elas, a BRCarbon, são negócios que apresentam soluções inovadoras para o desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços em cadeias de valor estratégicas para a conservação da Amazônia.

Carbon market and Brazil's opportunity to play a leading role

David Escaquete, BRCarbon’s Commercial Director, explains that the value of each carbon credit traded on the voluntary market is based on the characteristics and purpose of the project to which the credit is linked.

Land Innovation Fund, Agtech Garage and Embrapii select startups for sustainable soy program

BRCarbon is among the six businesses selected for the initiative that seeks to map innovative solutions that generate positive economic and socio-environmental impact in the Cerrado soy supply chain.

6 businesses operating in the Amazon to be accelerated in 2022

The so-called impact businesses are already a reality in the region of the world’s largest rainforest, and they are coming to shape a new ecosystem that is part of the solution to keeping the Amazon standing. An ecosystem that conserves the environment and generates work and income for communities.

Meet six innovative businesses operating in the Amazon

If in 2021 the eyes of the world turned to the Amazon for its importance in climate issues, 2022 will be the year to shed light on the enormous potential of preserving the planet’s largest rainforest in business as well.

Technology and innovation in Amazonia

Innovation combines with the world’s largest forest. Technology is being used to boost productivity, create jobs, strengthen biomes and ecosystems and build a chain that simultaneously generates wealth and sustainability. A good example is BrCarbon.

Amazon expedition promotes actions to benefit 450 families in Manicoré

There will be many work fronts over the next few weeks, with actions that will help the local community to generate income in a sustainable way, improve the quality of life of the residents of these regions and, at the same time, promote the protection of the standing forest,” explains Heberton Barros, brCarbon’s technical director.

How the carbon market works in Brazil and why you need to know about it

Bruno Brazil and other professionals in the field provide data and information related to the voluntary carbon market and comment on its possible regulation.

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