
Benefits for the climate

What moves us

The planet is close to climate chaos. According to data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the average global temperature in 2023 was 1.45ºC above the pre-industrial baseline, and the probability of average annual warming exceeding 1.5°C between 2023 and 2027 is 66%, further favoring the occurrence of extreme events. To reduce global warming and mitigate climate change, several actions are needed, including drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to changing the energy matrix, it is essential to stop cutting down primary forests, restore degraded areas and adopt good land use practices. In Brazil, according to 2022 data from the System for Estimating Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases (SEEG), ¾ of emissions are generated by agriculture and changes in land and forest use.


7.6+ million

tCO2e avoided or removed*

The equivalent of 1 year of emissions from the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ (SEEG 2023)

*REDD+ and ARR projects underway by 2023.


31+ million

tCO2e to be avoided or removed*

The equivalent of almost 1 year of emissions from the state of Espírito Santo (SEEG 2023)

*Projection for the period 2020 to 2033 based on ongoing REDD+ and ARR projects.

Development phases

The process

For each case, brCarbon evaluates and applies the most suitable methods. The reduction in emissions from avoided deforestation, reforestation or regenerative agriculture is then accounted for by measuring the carbon in the trees, litter and soil. At brCarbon, this activity is carried out using the traditional method and also with the use of a drone equipped with a LiDAR sensor, which brings much more agility, accuracy and transparency to the process.

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