

Ícone REDD+

REDD+ AUD (Avoid Unplanned Deforestation)

The Uakiry Grouped Project aims to conserve forests in preservation areas of various private and public properties located in the state of Amazonas..

This is a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, in the category of avoided unplanned deforestation (AUD), registered on the Verra platform under ID 4552.




thousand ha under conservation



Projection 2011-26


thousand tCO2e to be avoided

*Projection subject to periodic review.

Located in

Acre State


Under validation

Ícone REDD+


Protecting threatened areas

Since the Uakiry project is in the "Arc of Deforestation", the region with the highest historical rate of deforestation in the Amazon, its forests are under increasing threat. One important aspect is that conservation and monitoring costs can be prohibitive for landowners, especially in large, non-productive areas – Legal Reserves and Permanent Preservation Areas, for example. Therefore, the funds generated by the project can pay for these forest preservation and conservation actions.

Project Background

Hightlights and timeline

April 5-18: First field visit for socioeconomic diagnosis, presentation of the project concept to local communities and first biodiversity survey

June 27: Command and Control Action (police report of land invaders)

July 19-25: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

August 2: Signing of the conservation agreement between brCarbon and the landowner of the four project activity instances. The milestone that characterizes the project start date

August 4: Water potability analysis.

August 30 to October 30: Installation of towers and fiber optics, solar panels and battery banks

October 9 to 10: Health professionals from the municipal health department in Sena Madureira/AC held two days of lectures and services focused on women’s health at Seringal Porongaba

October 9 to 22: Biodiversity survey (dry season)

March: Beginning of the mapping of chestnut trees, with training on the Avenzamaps application.

August: Command and Control Action (registration of police reports of land invaders)

September 30: Completion of the renovation of the Manoel Rufino State School

November 25: FSC® Certification for Forest Management for Conservation (FSC-C171369)

March 2-11: Renegotiation meetings with local communities and presentation of the deforestation framework

April 27: Petition for reinstatement of possession filed with the Court of Justice of Acre.

May 30: Submission of the VCS pilot project in the Verra registration system

June 6: Completion of the opening of the access road to the center of Seringal Porongaba




787+ thousand tCO2e to be avoided between 2021 and 2026*

The amount of carbon prevented from being released into the atmosphere through the avoidance of illegal deforestation in a forest area, equivalent to approximately one year of emissions from the municipality of Florianópolis/SC (SEEG 2024).

*Projection subject to periodic review.


70+ families benefited*

*Benefits in the same area of ​​influence as the Brazilian Amazon project


482 animal species monitored

202 are endemic
11 are threatened with extinction

In addition to preserving the habitat, surveying and monitoring the fauna and flora in the project areas generates knowledge about the diversity and geographical distribution of species in areas that have never been surveyed before, as well as identifying endemic and endangered species.

Contribution to the SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals



The Uakiry Project is registered to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB), audited annually by an independent Verra-accredited institution.

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