Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
These are projects that generate carbon credits from the 40-year conservation of an existing native forest. There are two types of REDD+ project:
- The APD follows the Avoided Planned Deforestation methodology and basically consists of avoiding the deforestation of areas legally authorized for the suppression of vegetation; in this case, the Legal Reserve surplus.
- The AUD follows the Avoided Unplanned Deforestation methodology, i.e. avoiding illegal deforestation of preservation areas, such as Legal Reserve areas, Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) and Conservation Units (CU).
A barrier to deforestation
Between 2022 and 2023, Brazil experienced an astonishing 36% decrease in primary forest loss, according to new data from World Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watch platform (WRI/GFW). Yet despite this substantial reduction, Brazil is still the leader of worldwide tropical forest deforestation, responsible for 30% of total – 1.14 million hectares.
According to Prodes/INPE, almost 20% (or 75 million hectares) of the Amazon Biome has already been deforested. In accordance with “The drivers and impacts of Amazon forest degradation”, a study published in Science, at least 38% of all remaining Amazon Rainforest suffers some kind of degradation.
This left the Amazon Rainforest near its tipping point: the forest has lost its natural regeneration capability, and could well become a Savanna. Knock on effects may include changes in the rainfall pattern in South America, and new desertification areas in Brazil.
In this scenario, REDD+ projects are proving to be an important tool in the ongoing challenge of bringing illegal deforestation to zero and also reducing legal deforestation in areas exceeding the Legal Reserve. According to WRI, enduring incentives and financial mechanisms that place a value on standing forests are needed to make forests less vulnerable to depletion from other economic activities.
46% of Brazil's annual emissions come from land-use and forest changes
(SEEG 2024)
Avoided Emissions
3+ million
tCO2e avoided by 2022*
*Vintages verified by Verra
Area under conservation
thousand hectares*
*REDD+ projects in progress and under validation
Financial incentives for conserving tropical forests in private areas
REDD+ APD (Avoid Planned Deforestation)
Protecting forests and earning fair payments, helping to reduce carbon emissions
REDD+ AUD (Avoid Unplanned Deforestation)
Contributing to the preservation of the Amazon, generating financial compensation and conserving forests
REDD+ AUD (Avoid Unplanned Deforestation)
Fighting deforestation, protecting forests and promoting sustainable practices
REDD+ AUD (Avoid Unplanned Deforestation)
Working to reduce deforestation and degradation in the Amazon and attract investments
Legal Amazon
REDD+ APD (Avoid Planned Deforestation)
Over 15 years' experience in carbon projects
Check out what some landowners have been saying
“I recommend brCarbon to other producers. With the price of beef today, one of the best solutions is to produce in a sustainable way, while preserving the forest, and I'm not afraid to recommend brCarbon to anyone because I believe it will be a great solution for us, cattle ranchers.”
“I am a supporter of both the company and the way it is conducting the process: serious, transparent, involvement of the surrounding community, independent evaluations and audits. We're pleased with it and the projections and calculations are very attracting. Today it is more profitable to keep the forest preserved than to raise cattle in the same area.”